Hi there! I’m Rebecca Hunter, the Founder of EventLink Logistics. 

I thought this would be a good opportunity to reintroduce to you who we are, what we do and let you know about our new look. I’ll keep it nice and short because if you’re like me, I know you will be busy. 

I started EventLink at the end of 2019 off the back of a work trip to the Rugby World Cup 2019, Japan. My time away and reflection of the lead up to the event made me realise that my skills could allow me to assist businesses in a number of areas when it came to organising their logistics and running the operations of an event without the need to commit to full time staff. All too often the needs of an event end up larger than originally thought and end up pushed aside until the last minute whilst adding stress to your already busy staff’s schedules.

There are three primary areas of the business: event logistics and planning, travel management and event delivery/operations. This includes things like organising your hotels and rooming lists, managing your regular competition travel needs and hosting client tours at events. Whether you are a sporting organisation/team, organising committee or tour operator we are here to assist with what you need, when you need it. 

As a small online business, although we have been impacted by Covid-19 like so many others, it has provided us the opportunity to get a few things in order that have been on the “to-do” list for a while.

With no events happening, the main focus has been a substantial refresh of our branding. Across the past few months we have engaged and worked closely with an amazing design studio, Lumo, that has helped take many areas of the brand and business to another level. 

If you have been to the website you’ll have noticed that it has an entirely new look and feel. If not, take a look and let us know what you think (www.eventlinklogistics.com). We are so happy with the way that it has come together and are sure you will love it as much as we do.

You may have also noticed the change to our tagline. The new, dynamic and versatile “We Get You” tagline we feel strongly represents and reflects what we are all about. We are so excited about this change and what it means for us that there will be an entire blog post dedicated to it coming soon so stay tuned. 

On that note, I will leave it there for today. Please keep an eye out as we begin to unveil our new look across different platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram (please follow, like and share) and would love for you to contact me if you have any questions about me, what we offer or what we can do for you. 


Take care,

Rebecca Hunter
